Three questions put to … Livia Fürst
11/17/2017 Interview

Three questions put to … Livia Fürst

Livia Fürst has been part of NürnbergMesse for 13 years, the last four as a member of the FENSTERBAU FRONTALE team. She looks after exhibitors, the online ExhibitorShop and the online entries in the exhibitor and product database, the exhibition guide, hall layout planning, and much more.

Picture Livia Fürst The FENSTERBAU FRONTALE Team in the spotlight. This time it’s the turn of Livia Fürst.

What is the moment during the exhibition that you wouldn’t want to miss?

The start of the first day: for the four days of the exhibition we move our desks into a separate events office in the “Mitte” entrance area, to be close to our exhibitors and visitors. From there we have a direct view of the entrance area through the large glass windows. When that area fills up on the first day of the exhibition as the exhibitors and visitors start arriving, it’s an exciting view – that’s when it all starts happening!

What do you like most about your work?

If you like plenty of variety, organising a leading international trade fair is the job to be doing. There are so many different areas of activity – we have many of our co-workers and departments working together during the planning and organising stages. We have a special perspective on the exhibition during the planning period. Our work only becomes “visible” once the exhibition is under way – and that’s a nice moment.

What’s special about working for FENSTERBAU FRONTALE?

For me, it’s the feeling of being part of a team, working together to achieve something special. The exhibition is a brilliant place for business contacts and meetings. We want to make our exhibitors’ wishes and expectations happen in the best way we can, so they in turn can reach their own visitors in the best way possible through their presence there. And the contacts that we make with our exhibitors during the planning phase through e-mails and phone calls can also lead to some enjoyable meetings in person once the exhibition is in progress. 


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